Saturday, January 12, 2013

Seeing Beyond Life's Clouds

Last week during mass, Father Chris used the metaphor of the clouds blocking the sun, to God and the things in our life blocking our view of Him. Just like the sun is always there, God is always there, but sometimes life's clouds get in the way, especially during the storms of life. 

This made me ask myself, what are the "clouds" in my life that are keeping me from being as close to God as I would like to be? I realized that I have several "clouds" in my daily life. I'm often "too busy" to stop and pray or to go out of my way to help another. Another "cloud" is my past that often makes me feel inadequate and undeserving of God's love.  There's also the "cloud" of doubt that continues to hang over me, doubting God's love for me and His promise of eternal life. It's that little mustard seed of faith (Mt 17:20) that helps clear those clouds and bring me closer to God. It's that mustard seed that has brought me to where I am today, or I might not otherwise be sitting here typing this. My life was once a storm, but thanks to God's grace, it's now just an overcast day. I feel that this is an appropriate topic as we've had numerous overcast days here in Tennessee as of late. Also, I know I was all over the place with this post, but I have the worst case of writer's block. Thanks for reading anyway!

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