Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I've been an amateur blogger for quite some time, aside from my recent year long sabbatical. As a blogger, I could never really find one topic of focus, so my My Old Blog was all over the place. Finally, I have one point of focus,  which is my spiritual journey through RCIA at my church. At first, I thought about starting from the beginning, but there really wouldn't be a lot to tell, as religion and spirituality did not become a part of my life until my thirties and I'm only 32. This is my first post on my new blog so go easy on me...

So, what is RCIA you ask? Honestly, I didn't know what RCIA stood for until my first class back in September. It stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Basically, if one desires to convert to Catholicism, or in my case be baptized and become Catholic, RCIA is the way to do so. Because I have not been baptized, I'm considered a Catechumen, hence my blog title. I really dig this name.;) The bigger question is how did I end up in RCIA as a Catechumen? Unfortunately, it took me having the worst year of my life to find my lil' mustard seed of faith. My dad died by suicide on April 7, 2011 catapulting me into a very deep depression that pretty much took the rest of that year to come out of.  One day in January 2012, I was on my way to a meeting, which was an hour away, and I was flipping through radio stations when I heard a song (not sure exactly what the song was) that resonated with me. I continued to listen to the station which was (K-Love), and at that time they were sponsoring their 30 day challenge. The DJ's claimed that if you listened for 30 days, it would change your life. At this point in my life, I was willing to try anything. Okay, so I'm already going off on a tangent-I could write an entire post on how Christian music has changed me. Anyway, after taking the 30 day challenge, my life DID begin to change and I started attending mass at the church where my daughter was baptized. I couldn't wait to start RCIA classes in the fall. I really enjoyed my first class and was intrigued by the wide variety of people in the class. Some were catechumens like myself, others came from Baptist upbringings and one even came from a Buddhist background. We all had ONE thing in common however-we all desired to know more about the Catholic faith. Why Catholicism, you ask? I've been mesmerized by the Catholic faith for as long as I can remember, making the sign of the cross long before I ever stepped foot in a Catholic church. I was blessed to marry into a Catholic family and my daughter attends a Catholic school, so not only is it something I want, but it's also a practical decision. I know, yada...yada...yada...to make a long story short, I've created this blog to share my faith journey with others.

As a bonus, here's a video for one of the songs I heard on K-Love that helped start my faith journey:

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